A Deep Dive into Technology, Business, and Finance: Insights Through a Data-Driven Lens.

In this space, I delve into the intersections of business, technology, payments, and programming trends. Many of my posts draw inspiration from the research and assignments I undertook during my MBA journey at Warwick Business School from 2019 to 2021. My time at WBS was deeply enriching, and I often find myself reminiscing about the rigor of academic research, the art of structured writing, and stimulating discussions with my peers. Alongside these reflections, you'll also find practical tutorials and guides, helping you navigate the latest in tech, programming frameworks, and libraries.

Assistants API (OpenAI): Real-world simple example - money transfer online FAQ

This API provides developers with sophisticated AI tools, enabling crafting bespoke AI assistants proficient in various tasks. This little tutorial tests the real-world scenario of how this solution would help on a larger scale. This is with Python client, but I plan to write a broader article on implementing it with the Next.js Full Stack product soon.

Python with Pgeocode and Pandas. Postal codes to geo coordinates.

How to retrieve geo coordinates from the set of zip codes. pgeocode is a lightweight Python library for high-performance off-line querying of GPS coordinates, region name and municipality name from postal codes.

Pydeck, Python data visualization. Column Layer on Carto maps.

Exploring deck.gl geo data visualisation capabilities with Python and pandas library. Deck.gl is a WebGL-powered visualization framework for large-scale datasets, and pydeck is a high-scale spatial rendering for Python (powered by deck.gl).